Category Archives: soul food

an{encounter}with the living God.


It was only a moment. Actually, only about 15 minutes of time spent at a random gas station in Alabama.

I noticed them when we pulled in; a family with young children traveling together, picnicking out of the back of their car. The kids, running around like they’d been cooped for miles.

A woman I assumed must be their mother stood nearby yelling and fussing when they strayed too far.  I remember those days.

I can’t help it.

God has me trained to tune in like this….to take in a scene and feel it with all my senses. Seldom can I go anywhere anymore and tune out the world around me. Sometimes it’s overwhelming and I think it’s a bit like what Jesus must have felt which caused him to retreat to mountains and gardens and wilderness.

My crew had headed inside to stretch and browse around the station store so I busied myself with the scraping of bug carnage off the windows and headlights for the final leg of our journey. Let me tell you more…