Tag Archives: altered life

How to Turn Around

So….this is my official RE-blogging post.

I never UN-blogged er… un-plugged but for those of you reading this — 72 potential followers plus the “Random Fandom” out there— you know it’s been awhile since I’ve written out here.

It’s been so long that even the crickets have died.  Ha.

In fact, I’ve been so embarrassed to go to my front page and get smacked by the fact that the very last time you heard from me legit was about six months ago…. at Christmas.   I mean, what the what Lorretta?!?

So please bear with me as I just write and spill this…. off the top of my heart and (mostly) unedited. 

Q:  Did I stop writing?
A:  Goodness, no.

Q:  Do I have nothing more to write?
A:  I am SELDOM silent within and God’s voice is never (thankfully) silent within me.

Q:  What’s going on?
A:  More than I can say at this very moment but more will be shared soon.

Truthfully, I have written GOBS of stuff for various reasons other than this. There was a women’s retreat back in February that consumed a good bit of my writing and prayer preparation. Then there’s this MAJOR application that required pages and pages from me and to be honest… the micro-inspection and reflection of it all sucked me dry for awhile.

Add that to the daily do of the Daily Do, many home repair projects,  some sudden and unplanned for interruptions (not all bad),  and this palatable and weighty shame of neglecting my writing space… and well, I just didn’t know where or how to begin again.   

And I MUST confess here and now that what little creative energy I’ve had over these many months got swallowed up in mindless moments spent on social media. Not all was completely mindless but I know there’s only so much the “Insta-Snap-Face” life can offer in the way of depth and breadth. I realize I’ve been standing in the shallows throwing stones out across the deep –too weary or maybe afraid of getting caught up in the current.

I’m sorry.

This morning, while tidying up some stuff I heard from a sweet little person in my life who was letting me know that after a great deal of messing around, etc.,  during her quiet time this morning the Lord revealed to her that she *really* hadn’t submitted her life to Jesus. So… just like that, she did.  She turned. And she wanted me to know it.

So like her… just like that—I’m turning as well and I want you to know it.  Turning back towards going deeper, stretching higher and reaching out with real meaningfulness to you, for my own soul and the glory of God.

One thing God revealed during this time was the HUGE difference between being a Kingdom Consumer and a Kingdom Producer. There is a lot of noisy muck and mud being slung around out here and  I don’t want to add to those conversations.  I don’t want to be another noisy gong.

Instead, stepping out of the shallows again,  I hope to share this space with you in a way that seeks to produce Kingdom moments all around us as we make this journey together even while distances apart. I want to encourage you in your life to do the same….to every day, wake up expecting God to move and show us where He’s at work, and then have the courage to pick up our cross to join Him there.

Thanks for being here, and for waiting on me.

Hang on though… it promises to be quite a ride!