Category Archives: motherhood & family life


One of the greatest privileges I have enjoyed as a mother is reading aloud to my kids. I don’t get to do it very often anymore but for a few years, I read aloud to all three at the same time and occasionally the youngest will still sit long enough for a chapter or two.

I have a few rules for these books I read aloud:

  1. NO fantasy. Can’t stand it. (although I LOVED “A Wrinkle In Time”)
  2. NO books based on a Disney movie. Yuck! 
  3. Finally I try to not read books told from the point of view of talking animals. I try. Can’t say I’ve never done it, but it’s not my favorite.

Occasionally a picture book from the children’s section with crazy, animal and people stuff is OK (Can somebody say “Skippy Jon Jones”? ) but typically, I prefer reading real-life stories that make you think and feel; stories that TEACH.

Serious, funny or sometimes both, typically these stories deal with many of life’s challenging “coming of age” issues and the solving –or not– of real life problems. There’s not always a “happily ever after” because ….there’s not always a “happily ever after”. Let me tell you more…

Moments of Defining & Refining

christmas-crossI’ve started decorating the house for Christmas and
I have to confess;

I’m having a blast!

Honestly, I haven’t done a ton of major decorating I mean,  you have to understand–we don’t live a very “upscale” and entertaining lifestyle. Even when I thought that should be my goal in life, I could never quite pull off that Martha Stewart thing!

No, we’ve always lived rather “low to the ground” and as such, I’ve tried to do things reasonably while at the same time, as tastefully as possible. In fact, I was  probably “shabby chic” before it was in vogue!

(Ok…maybe I was just the fool who put the “shabby” that dangerously close to chic, but certainly I ought to get an “A” for effort!)

But hey, this year– I’ve decked some halls y’all! Let me tell you more…

“Birdie Bread” {a family tradition}

Bread is my mortal weakness.
***********       It’s the “achilles heel” of my thighs!

Not all bread mind you…no I am a …. {gasp}

Bread SNOB!

In fact, I have to confess…I am a food snob of sorts….but that’s a different post for a different day because today, I must share with you one of our family traditions; Birdie Bread!  Typically, these delicious things show up at our table for Thanksgiving, but they’ve been known to make an appearance for Christmas or Easter as well.

People….Few things can take me down a sinful path faster than a hunk of freshly baked bread slathered with good butter…or just hot out of the oven. I can work up an appetite just *thinking* about the stuff! Part of it is psychological and emotional; my mother showed me breadmaking in action. The rest?

It’s all me baby! Let me tell you more…