
1Oh. My. Word.

I’ve been spinning around in circles all day trying to mentally, physically and emotionally prepare  for an event next weekend and I almost forgot: Today is the 1 year blog-aversary of this place and space called “Dancing on the Dash”!

I kinda doubt I’ll make a habit of making a big deal of it after this but I felt the need to mark the occasion with a special cup of coffee and a special thanks to you– my friends and my readers. This post is a bit of a hastily planned afterthought but–here goes anyway!

I had no idea most of you were out here. In fact, I had no idea there’d be a single soul to read at all and for a long time, the enemy discouraged me with all sorts of lies about why it was going to be a waste of time.

but the word of the Lord….

Camp on those words my friends– look them up in 1 Peter 1:24-25 and own them because if God has set you to it, He will see you through it.  Listen to His voice, HIS words and obey that call on your life. Those are the enduring, living forever words you can bank on!

I honestly had no plan, no great rhyme or reason to guide me to this place today….I only knew one thing became more clear as the year went on: God said “Go and tell. Use what I’ve taught you and what you know to be true, teach others what you have learned and help them to follow Me too– and I promise to be with you til the end of time.” (my paraphrase of Matthew 28:19-20)photo-on-2013-01-25-at-19-06-2

So here are a few things  I’ve discovered in this place over the last year:

1)   There is no more compelling and powerful story than the one God wants to tell through your life.  It’s not always pretty, it’s seldom neat and tidy and there’s often more dirt than diamonds but it’s a beautiful and glorious thing in God’s hands. If you are His child, then it’s always going to be His story in you.

2)   When you’ve slammed headlong into that wall of pride, hit the rocky bottom of that valley of sin and finally find yourself face down before the Lord and humbled; HANG ON TIGHT…. the best is yet to come-– here is where His greatest work can begin.  Your life is gonna TEACH! (amen?)

3)   To thy own self be true. (Thank you Mr. Shakespeare). No matter what everyone else is doing, pay attention to what God wants to do in and through you.

I think Jesus demonstrated this best walking on the beach with Peter. After asking if Peter loved HIm (THREE TIMES?!?) and commanding him to feed His sheep and tend His lambs, Jesus says simply: Follow Me.” Peter immediately looks around and asks about “the other disciple..” who was following behind them and I LOVE Jesus’s response which basically says, “mind your own business and pay attention to what I have for YOU to do.” (again, my paraphrase!) But there it is….listen to the call to feed and tend and follow…and be true RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE.

So….thank you for joining in the journey as I’ve discovered what it means to “dance on the dash” — even though it’s been kinda awkward and stumble-footed at times! I’ve really learned so much.

Most of all, I’m grateful….to finally find my heart and voice and to discover the sweetness of community with others who are out here singing a song similar to mine and although the words to our verses are slightly different, they’re also so familiar and amazingly,  somehow we always join up together at the refrain:

“Holy, Holy, Holy! Selah!


0 thoughts on “One!

  1. Further…and even further! What does that mean? We raise awarness/money for the human trafficing victims …….but did we forget about the one who is the criminal. A young women hands over a razor blade to her small group leader at a passion conference…..the message is not the revelation for her but for her to not listen to Satan and where long sleeves but rather show the scars….it’s her story! Please keep writing your story and reach further within.

  2. I have so enjoyed reading your posts and “Getting to Know You” through your blog. There have been words and Scripture and things you have posted that have brought me great encouragement. I look forward to what the Lord has in store for your future writings!

    1. Likewise Dear Sister!

      To be honest, your encouragement comes at the place of my preparation for my first-ever speaking event and it’s really very encouraging to know that the Lord can use me here when there have been days of such deep discouragement. Bless you RaZella.

  3. Congratulations! Ever since the first letter I received from you many years ago (and I think I still have it, among others), I thought you should be a writer. God has blessed you with the gift of words and beautiful writing style. Truly a gift from our Heavenly Father. Keep it up!

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